Heide M Kolb, Certified Jungian Analyst

Swirling stars and particles in space


I will be teaching again for the C.G.Jung Foundation of NY at their marvelous Intensive Summer Study Programs

Trauma, Horses and Healing

Tuesday, July 17, 2018
10:00am – 12:30 pm, & 1:30 – 4:00 pm

Trauma, Horses and Healing

In this seminar, we will start by exploring some of the various types of traumas the human psyche can endure, from life itself being a traumatic event, such as the traumatic quality of what the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan called “The Real,” to very specific shattering events in a person’s life that can result in the suffering and symptomatology commonly suffered in PTSD.

We will then focus on the relationship between trauma and the horse, exploring the horse both as an ancient symbol of psychic energy and healing as well as the concrete reality of this majestic animal that has carried humans on its back for thousands of years. We will venture into Greek mythology and explore the myth of Chiron, the revered and powerful centaur who taught the healing arts to Asclepius. Lastly, we will spend time on looking into the many ways horses have become a transforming factor in many therapeutic endeavors from working with veterans and prisoners to victims of domestic abuse as well as to a growing number of individuals whose trauma may be more hidden to the eye.

Throughout the seminar we will examine the material through a Jungian lens and keep it as close and as relevant as possible for each participant.

Participants should bring a journal for your personal reflections.

For more information please visit http://cgjungny.org/summerstudy.html#thm